
Search results

  1. The 2017 Master Urban Farmer Graduation

    In November, we celebrated the graduation of 53 individuals from our 2017 Master Urban Farmer program, with Teresa Gottier, a former Master Urban Farmer student, who has become a teacher and leader in urban farming delivering the ceremony's address. ...

  2. Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. This requirement was ...

  3. SENR's 50th Anniversary


  4. Fall Herbicide Application for the 2017 Soybean Crop

    200,000 seeds so it has a high reproductive capacity.  We are also discovering that larger marestail ...

  5. Online Food Directories for Ohio Consumers

      In order to be eligible to join the Ohio Proud program, agricultural products must be at least 50 ...

  6. 2017 Columbus Urban Farm Tour

    Join us on our two remaining Columbus Urban Farm Tours! Our next tour will be Sunday, August 20. The Columbus Urban Farm Tour will be at  Over the Fence Urban Farm. Our last tour will take place on Saturday, September 2, at the  Jedidiah Farm and Studio   ...

  7. OSU Extension Shale Development Information for Landowners 'Gave Me Confidence'

    "from the Ohio River to Lake Erie and everywhere in between," said he recommends that landowners ...

  8. Seeking the Stink Bug's Natural Enemies

    “We want growers to be able to identify stink bug species and determine when their field is at risk ...

  9. Laser Beam Automatic Grade-Control System

    operator using a sight bar with a series of targets place at 50 to100 foot intervals. Now, continuous ...

  10. Pesticide Applicator License Testing

