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  1. World Soil Day

    Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future! ...

  2. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

    Emergent Vulnerabilities in a Tropical Andean Waterscape.  Over the past 50+ years, glacier mass loss in ...

  3. Understanding Watershed Complexity in Latin America

    Deploying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for High Resolution Pro-glacial Watershed Mapping Chris Gardner, PhD ...

  4. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    the best time to market a cull cow is when the cull cow market is at its high point. In the cattle ... market, like all markets, there are highs and lows throughout the year, and numerous factors exist which ...

  5. May 1: How Are Human, Animal and Environmental Health Connected?

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Links between human, animal and environmental health-- factors in the current ...

  6. Doctoral Student Focuses on Nutritional Requirements of Yellow Perch Larvae with Live Food Enrichments

    in the Great Lakes region that is also highly prized table fare. Grayson seeks to better understand ...

  7. September Dairy Judging Update

    were they the 1st place team (by 36 points), they also all placed in the top 10 overall high ... team was 5th in reasons, and the “Gray” team was 4th overall, as well as being high in the Milking ...

  8. EPN March Breakfast

    scarcity, droughts, flooding, sea level rise – the need to accelerate innovative, inclusive, and integrated ...

  9. Dairy Youth Compete in Events During the Ohio State Fair

    Skillathon participants were tested on their knowledge of nutrition and feeds, genetics and pedigrees, ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- June 24, 2013

    Please use the second one that goes between the house and sheds. Parking will be behind the house. ... booth about 50 feet or so, turn left at the glass hallway. We will be in the "classroom" ... Online Workshop – August 1: Millennials were born between 1980 and 2000, and this generation is almost as ...
