
Search results

  1. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    The museum's annual open house gives a behind the scenes tour of their amazing collections (insects, mites, plants, fishes, molluscs, birds, mammals, and animal sounds), plus meet the faculty, staff, and students who study the flora and fauna of Ohio ...

  2. Summer Grafting Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This ​workshop ​will ​cover ​summer ​grafting ​of ​tree ​species.  ...

  3. Summer Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the summer weed ID class and find out!  ...

  4. Intro to Macro Photography- Wooster, Ohio

    Join Danae Wolfe, OSU Extension Educational Technology Specialist for a hands-on introduction to macro photography, including field sessions and photo critiques.  ...

  5. Propagation Workshop- Wooster, Ohio

    This workshop is designed to teach cutting propagation techniques for woody plants. ...

  6. Winter Weed ID Class- Wooster, Ohio

    Not sure if it is a good plant or a bad plant? Come to the winter weed ID class at Secrest Arborteum and find out! ...

  7. Ohio State Day with the Columbus Clippers

    Gather with fellow Buckeyes for Ohio State Day at Huntington Park. ...

  8. The Academy of Teaching Annual Conference: Creating Inclusive Connections

    12th Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning Creating Inclusive Connections May 3, 2018 4-H Center, The Ohio State University Several from SENR are presenting: Kylienne Shaul, Kimberly Winslow and Ella Weaver will present, "The Vir ...

  9. CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt

    CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt-- Tuesday, April 17, 2018- 3:00pm to 4:00pm Derby Hall 1080 | 154 N Oval Mall, Columbus OH William Hunt, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor, Department of Biological and ...

  10. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    hallway or out and about make sure you give them a high-five or a fist bump and a simple, "Thanks for ...
