
Search results

  1. Quality Assurance Test-Out Weather Cancellation


  2. Cryptosporidium (protozoan)

    count/100gal Cryptosporidium Microbiological MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS REQUIRED Cryptosporidium levels were ... detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Assumed to be in any untreated ... Cryptosporidium is resistant to low levels of chemical disinfection such as chlorine. Use ultraviolet Light (NSF ...

  3. 4-H Summer Highlights and Making Memories

    including archery, canoeing, fishing, crafts, kayaking, rock climbing, gaga ball, high ropes leadership ...

  4. Be Mindful of Honeybees and Other Pollinators During Planting

    record.  In October, the OSU honey bee lab had 50 living colonies, but by the beginning of April, we were ...

  5. Miami County Best Practices for 4-H Club Financials

    Organizational Advisors. It is highly recommended for 4-H members serving as Club Treasurer and 4-H Committee ...

  6. Miami County Best Practices for 4-H Club Financials

    Organizational Advisors. It is highly recommended for 4-H members serving as Club Treasurer and 4-H Committee ...

  7. Adding Value to Feeder Calves

    participate specific markets for all-natural or “never ever” calves, BVD PI tested, branded programs such ...

  8. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    However in very cold weather, post dipped wet teats run the risk of becoming frozen creating more ...

  9. Upcoming Workshops

    application to minimize the possibility of drift?  Certainly, high wind speeds can cause drift issues and move ... Drage Career Technical Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE in Massillon. All women and young women (high ...

  10. 2018 Small Grains Field Day

    choose between one of two afternoon sessions.  Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...
