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  1. Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

    a college, university, community college, or technical school after completing high school.  If you paid fees ... transfers. The orientation program provides an opportunity for you to complete placement testing, attend ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-29

    also does more damage to soybeans under drought stress than when soils have good moisture. Now is ... a great place to check for SCN on the roots. Dig up the soybeans and shake off the soil, look at the sky ... for 1 minute (this allows the soil to dry but not the SCN), then look for the tiny white pearls which ...

  3. Six honored by CFAES

    running a highly successful landscaping business, Impullitti serves on Ohio State ATI's Key Advisory ... Center and more than 50 other awards from state landscaping associations and horticultural experts from ...

  4. True Armyworm Moth Count Running High

    Last week, the University of Kentucky reported high true armyworm moth counts (see: https ... northward, so if our southern neighbor is reporting high catches, these moths are also very likely flying ... laid, let alone hatched. However, the high trap counts so far suggest that armyworms are a pest to watch ...

  5. Farmer’s Tax Guide

    tax laws.  Some of the topics covered include: farm business expenses, soil and water conservation ...

  6. Online- Kick it up a Notch: Next Level Management Series

    Self-paced online training brought to you by Ohio State University's Business Training & Educational Services. ...

  7. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    capture potential profits while minimizing risk.  Jon Scheve of Superior Feed Ingredients will be talking ... reducing risk, understanding storage potential and using basis strategy to maximize individual farm ... will also educate farmers how hedging with futures protects farmers from risk and how options can be ...

  8. Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Training Seminar- July 13 & 14

    Management Concepts Soil pH and Liming Primary Nutrients Secondary Nutrients Micronutrients CEC Nutrient ... Diseases Fertilizer & Pesticide Math 4:30 p.m. Bruce Clevenger, CCA Soil and Water Management Soil ... Properties Soil Water Surface and Ground Water Soil and Wind Erosion                                 Contact ...

  9. Winter Feeding of Beef Cows

    during this period also is essential for the cow to produce abundant, high-quality colostrum.  Colostrum ... protein content of the forage is high (> 10% crude protein), grains or low protein supplements (< ...

  10. 2015 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials Available Online

    selecting the best varieties for their unique production systems. Varieties were grouped, tested, and ... analyzed by maturity (early and late).  Conventional, Liberty Link, and Roundup Ready varieties were tested ...
