
Search results

  1. Release of Columbo Dairy Software

    and 3) intervention level (i.e., when you should re-balance the rations). It is the outcome of a USDA ...

  2. 2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    program theme is “High Quality Forages.” The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kim Cassida, Forage Extension ... McCutcheon (OSU Extension, Southeast Region Director) will discuss “ High Energy Pasture for Grass-Finished ...

  3. Staging Corn with Severe Leaf Damage Early in the Season

    result (665) by 82 (equal to V8.1).” Growth-limiting stresses and conditions (soil moisture deficits, ...

  4. Two Graduate Students Recognized by AAIC

    the sustainable natural rubber composites with low energy consumption and high performance. The ...

  5. What’s Limiting Soybean Yield? Take Soybean Production Survey and Receive $40

    between what yield is possible on your farm each year and what you yield you actually achieve is called ...

  6. Ohio Youth Institute

    Ohio Youth Institute at Ohio State University At this exciting day-long event, participating high ...

  7. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    if the interval between application and planting is less than 20 days per 16 oz/A.- Express ... Note – label states in several places that applying Express with 2,4-D or dicamba actually reduces risk ...

  8. Expectations for Western Bean Cutworm

    has not tasseled, and we have a large amount of late planted corn which may be at risk for ...

  9. G. Kaletunc

    202 Hello Brandon,   I need Room 202 to be reserved between 9:30-10:30 am on the following dates ...

  10. Scout Fields Now for Palmer Amaranth

    just below the soil surface, and ideally removed from the field and burned or composted.  Plants with ... ODA will test any seed used for these purposes at no charge. Feel free to contact OSU weed science for ...
