
Search results

  1. Beyond the Law of Supply and Demand for Forages

    to forages  large supply, low demand, low prices; low supply, high demand, high prices. On the other ... in the ration with nonforage feeds, even if supply is very limited and prices are quite high ...

  2. Functional Genomics of Helicoverpa midgut

    insect pest of high agricultural importance in developing countries, in particular. It causes significant ...

  3. Selecting Corn Hybrids for Silage

    the sole criteria when selecting a hybrid. A high yielding hybrid will usually reduce the cost of the ... hybrids, but concentrations of NDF and starch are negatively correlated. Hybrids with high NDF ... (approximately 24 to 30%) to achieve good milk production and maintain the health of the cow. A hybrid with high ...

  4. Rainy day entertainment – get up to speed on pigweed ID

    that we use to differentiate between redroot pigweed, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth – pubescence, ...

  5. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    Mrs. Dianne Shoemaker, Dairy Extension Specialist, OSU Extension (top of page) "The highs ... will be higher and shorter (in duration); the lows will be lower and last longer than the highs ... observation: "...when prices are high, prepare for the lows...don't do anything stupid." ...

  6. Postemergence Control of Giant Ragweed in Soybeans

    glyphosate, from being fairly sensitive still to having a low level of resistance to fully resistant.  ... population is sensitive to glyphosate.  It is possible to use just a high rate of glyphosate in fields where ... by the first application. 2.  population has lost some sensitivity to glyphosate (low level ...

  7. The difficulty in legally applying dicamba – weather factors

    (hours of dawn to dusk, wind speeds between 3 and 10 mph).     We conducted a similar analysis, used ...  There were 9 days with at least 2 sprayable hours between June 1 and 16, but only three days between ...

  8. Warm Nights May Impact Corn Yield

    night time temperatures. Past studies show that night time temperatures affect yield potential. High ... temperature increases, approximately doubling for each 13 degree F increase. With high night temperatures more ... developing kernels, thereby lowering potential grain yield. High night time temperatures result in faster ...

  9. Darke County On Farm Research Review- Greenville, OH

    Controlled traffic yield results  Plans for 2016 Corn Soybean Soil and Water Management Manure ...

  10. Impact of Human-Animal Interactions on Farm Animal Behavior, Welfare, and Productivity

    between stockpeople (animal handlers) and farm animals on farm animal behavior, welfare, and productivity. ... Specifically, relationships between the animal's fear of humans and productivity of animals have been found ... relationships have also been found in the dairy industry between the stockperson's attitudes and behavior ...
