
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Saturate yourself with information about oils

    found that higher blood levels of linoleic acid are associated with less trunk fat — the abdominal fat ...

  2. Chow Line: Wedding Season Food Safety Tips

    avoid food from entering the “danger zone”-- between 40 and 140 degrees, where bacteria multiply ...

  3. Survey: Custom Farm Work Rates Rising in Ohio

    increases on average Planting operations: 10.4 percent increases on average Soil preparation and tillage ...

  4. Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds

    chest-high soybean fields determined to yank out or cut down the weed. It was like an army approaching the ...

  5. Jay Martin to Lead Field to Faucet and Global Water Initiative

    Environmental Sciences, which put $1 million toward the effort after dangerous microcystin levels in Lake Erie ...

  6. Ohio State to Commercial Tomato Growers: Nominate Favorite Varieties for Grafting Project

    varieties are often susceptible to certain nematodes, soil-borne diseases or environmental stresses. Fusing ...

  7. Ohio to Host 2004 Professional Dairy Heifer Growers Association Regional Meeting

    response will be "Heifer growers dedicated to growing high quality dairy replacements." That is ...

  8. For Valentine’s Day, Focus on Factors of Strong, Healthy Relationships

    Sciences program. “There is a difference between what people fantasize is the perfect romantic relationship ... their relationship-- in most cases, it doesn’t work.” Communication. “Healthy communication between ...

  9. Chow Line: Kids still not eating enough produce

    to their age and activity level. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advises that: Children ...

  10. Chow Line: Calcium important, dairy a good source

    example, a 2000 comprehensive review of research conducted on dairy foods and bone health between 1985 and ...
