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  1. How Prepared Are You for a Potential Grain Engulfment?

    should help you assess the preparedness level of your own farm and employees and get you started in ...

  2. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    dormancy. Heaving occurs when the soil goes through cycles of freezing and thawing, pushing the crowns and ... roots to the soil surface. The result is water stress and eventual plant death. "The deceptive ...

  3. OSU Extension Programs Target Livestock Forage Management

    a soil fertility amendment, replacing corn silage with hay as a lower cost forage option, using wheat ... and Curt Stivison from the Fairfield County Soil and Water Conservation District will also serve as ...

  4. The February Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connections Webinars Are Now Available for Viewing On Line.

    The Soybean Production program featured  Everything but the Kitchen Sink: High Input Soybean ...

  5. Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted to be Low in Ohio

    populations through the state, cooler-than-normal summer temperatures, extremely high aphid populations on ... taken growers on a rollercoaster ride of high populations one year and low populations the next. Last ... season was predicted as a "high" year, with aphids expecting to settle in fields across ...

  6. 2012 Farm Science Review Media Credential Request

    its 50th year and includes lots of newsworthy events, exhibits and presentations.  Mark your calendars ...

  7. Green Buildings Links

    'Whole Building' Design  is to create a successful high-performance building by applying an ...

  8. Ohio EPA Awards Nearly $200,000 for Sustainability Efforts on OSU Farm/Research Facility

    Environmental Protection Agency and local matching dollars totaling $132,456 will enable the Franklin Soil and ... Section manager. The Franklin Soil and Water grant is one of eight federal Section 319 Clean Water Act ... practices. Partners include Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District; Ohio Nonpoint Education for ...

  9. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: When Raccoons Want Your Corn (for the Week of May 6, 2007)

    State wildlife scientist. "Changing your level of tolerance," she notes, "is sometimes ... about science, nature, farming and the environment. The reading level typically rates at grades 3.5-4.5. ...

  10. Getting an Early Jump on the Soybean Aphid

    insect will be upheld. “In 2001 we had high populations, 2002, low populations, 2003, high populations ... indicates soybean aphid populations are high, then we have a bit of warning and can prepare in advance for ... potentially high populations in Ohio,” said Hammond. “Aphid populations from northern states seem to build ...
