
Search results

  1. This is the Time to Give Your Sprayer Some TLC

    effects of snow, rain, sun, and strong winds. Moisture in the air, whether from snow, rain, or soil, rusts ... ammonia for 50 gal of water, etc) should be adequate for cleaning the tank, but you may first need to ... with water. A high pressure washer can be used, if avail­able. Wash the exterior of the equipment ...

  2. Extension Professional's Conference

    Extension is a link between the people and the ever-changing discoveries in the laboratories. I Believe in ...

  3. Oh My Aching Back- Urbana, OH

    Those who do manual labor either at work or around the house increase the risk of a strain. Many times ... Ohio AgrAbility will discuss ways to decrease the risk of a back injury. The topics addressed will be: ...

  4. General Education implementation update

    activities and to create opportunities for curricular alignment between the courses on specific topics.       ...

  5. Opinion: A Campuswide Approach to Care

    housing, your level of involvement in the lives of residential students (and all students) matters. More ...

  6. Ohio Soybean Performance Trials- Sortable Tables Online Now

    seed size), and seed quality (protein, oil, and fiber). Soybean Harvest Soybean Performance Test ...

  7. The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry

    crops generally have high dollar values that could result in liability checks being written for ten to ... communication between growers of sensitive crops, beekeepers and agronomic row crop growers and to serve as ...

  8. Advanced BioSystems Workshop Shows Path Ahead for Bioproducts

    highlighted how the partnerships between growers, industry, and researchers are driving bio-based materials ...

  9. What can I do?

    of Googling and database searching, a low cost, high impact strategy emerged: Develop ...

  10. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Exam Training Session- Sidney

    Management- Weeds- Insects- Diseases Fertilizer & Pesticide Math Bruce Clevenger, CCA Introductions Soil ... and Water Management- Soil Properties- Soil Water- Surface and Ground Water- Soil & Wind Erosion ... Photosynthesis- Crop Physiology- Variety Selection Dr. Robert Mullen Nutrient Management Concepts- Soil pH and ...
