
Search results

  1. Family Fundamentals: Take small steps to save on monthly bills

    compact fluorescent bulbs, LEDs or halogen incandescents and you’ll save between 25 and 80 percent in your ...

  2. Chow Line: Do not (I repeat) do not rinse the turkey

    U.S. But research by the British Food Standards Agency between 2000 and 2003 showed that rinsing off ...

  3. Announcing the Ohio Food, Agriculture & Environmental Law Webinar Series

    Pollutant Discharge Risk on Farms, with Chris Walker and Jack Van Kley of Van Kley & Walker LLP, ...

  4. Make The Most Of Your Time

    your energy level, scheduling the most challenging tasks during your peak time. Expect interruptions, ...

  5. Seeking the Stink Bug’s Natural Enemies

    determine when their field is at risk for economic damage,” Michel said, “and therefore when they should ...

  6. Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in Spring

    snow, rain or soil, rusts metal parts of unpro­tected equipment of any kind. Ultraviolet light softens ...

  7. Pasture-Raised Livestock Beginning Farm Tour

    Service, Ohio State University Extension, their local Soil and Water Conservation District, and the ...

  8. Rattan Lal speaks at Japan Prize ceremony (starting around 9:50)


  9. OSU Expert: Now’s the Time to Scout for Alfalfa Weevil in Ohio

    and the stand cannot be harvested early,” Hammond said. “But where alfalfa is between 12 and 16 inches ...

  10. Entomologist Offers Guidance on Controlling Slugs in No-till Soybean, Corn Fields

    Ohio, Hammond said, this tends to occur between early and late May. “In soybean, for example, because ...
