
Search results

  1. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    (usually placed on barn roofs), continued focus on wind and water power, and soil nutrient (nitrogen and ...

  2. Communiqué April 2, 2014

    50 percent participation. Total donors as of this week 442 New donors this week 13 Percentage of ... level budget which has been restored to the 2012 levels. The passage of the Farm Bill includes a new ... with county-level information and images.  The plan is to purchase 10 of the tabletop displays that ...

  3. Rattan Lal: Soil is Like a Bank Account


  4. Ohio’s Richest Soil Dwindling


  5. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    farmer use a mechanical transplanter. The inexpensive device can plant 50 plants per minute, dramatically ...

  6. Hands-on Horticulture

    50 plants per minute, dramatically reducing the amount of time needed to fill a field. With ...

  7. Communiqué March 1, 2012

    populations and acted as a mentor to the balking volunteer, increasing that volunteer’s comfort level and ... services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through ... relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the ...

  8. Congratulations Mike Day!

    and international scale and is highly respected for his beef reproduction outreach engagements. Day ...

  9. Congratulations Bonnie Ayars!

    a minimum of 10 years. The recipient shall be highly regarded in the dairy industry for his or her role in ...

  10. Color Codes: Researcher’s Innovative Work in Natural Food Dyes Gains Recognition

    achieving highly purified anthocyanin blends. The technique, which was issued a patent early this month, is ...
