
Search results

  1. Introductory Field Crop Mgt.

    Test—Dr. Andy Michel 11:45-12:15 Lunch 12:15-1:15 Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities—Drs. Thomison ...

  2. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    include: Rapid growth rate: often between 1 to 3 inches per day.  Mature plants can reach 7 feet in height ...

  3. Working Cover Crops into your Operation

    know more?  Maybe you have heard about how cover crops can improve soil health but need more ...

  4. Teen Driver Safety Education Program

    in Butler County.  The program is a partnership between the Butler County Juvenile Justice, the Ohio ... these times, try turning on your high-beam headlights to get a better view; however; you will need to ... leave plenty of space between you and the cars around you, in case you need to brake quickly. Best ...

  5. AGSYSMT 4580- Precision Agriculture

    Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...

  6. How Low Can You Go? Cold Weather and Wheat Injury

    temperature lowered to 27°, 21°, 14°, and 5°F. Very little injury has been observed between 14-27°F. At 5°F, ...

  7. Navigating Difficult Conversations Workshop

    All professionals encounter conversations that are regarded high in stakes from time to time. ... These high-stakes dialogues can become pivotal in one’s effectiveness if handled correctly. In this ...

  8. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    spots that can lead to mold growth.  While inspecting for physical problems, also test aeration fans and ...

  9. Independent Ag Field Day and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

     Bellevue, OH 44811 which is at the intersection of Sandhill Rd. and US Route 20 between Bellevue and ...

  10. Announcing the Ohio Food, Agriculture & Environmental Law Webinar Series

    Pollutant Discharge Risk on Farms, with Chris Walker and Jack Van Kley of Van Kley & Walker LLP, ...
