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  1. GAP Tobacco Training Note: Eastern Brown High School has a Winchester address. Winchester is located in Adams Co. It is ...

  2. Late fall herbicide treatments for cover crops?

    dicamba or 2,4-D around the time of planting due to risk of injury. Delay applications until cover has at ...

  3. Communiqué April 13, 2012

    Demonstrate Respect- Behavior #2 of High-Trust Leaders-Keith Smith, associate vice president, ... identified 13 behaviors that characterize the general actions of high-trust leaders. These behaviors are ... they are universal (page 126). High-trust leaders consistently “demonstrate respect.” This is described ...

  4. Be Prepared To Scout For Black Cutworm And Armyworm Damage

    is because high numbers of black cutworm and armyworm moth catches have been reported from ...

  5. OSU College Bowl Team Wins Midwest Competition

    IFTSA College Bowl Competition has tested the knowledge of student teams from across the United States ...

  6. Communiqué January 8, 2014

    deciding whether to risk driving to the office in Level 1 or Level 2 snow emergencies. They cannot be ... threatening, confusing, and/or puzzling, yet potentially positive. The difference between problems and dilemmas ... must be followed: If the county in which a person works is under an emergency Level 3 and the office is ...

  7. Planning for Summer Child Care

    will the rules be?  How much screen time, outside time, etc.? What level of experience is needed for ...

  8. Beef and Forage Field Night

    Soil Sciences: Making Successful Long-Term Hay and Pasture Seedings – Scott Payne, Manager, Jackson ...

  9. Small Grain Field Day-Wood County

    a wagon tour of test plots, said Matt Davis, who manages the station. OARDC is the research arm of the ...

  10. Watch for Palmer Amaranth

    include: Rapid growth rate: often between 1 to 3 inches per day.  Mature plants can reach 7 feet in height ...
