
Search results

  1. Sustainable secret to knee-high corn and gardens galore: Human waste-based compost


  2. Volunteer Naturalists Are Certified, Celebrated and Ready to Serve

    topics, including ecological concepts, geology, soils, plants, forests, insects, aquatic life, ...

  3. Dairy Judging at North American

    Louisville. Team finished in upper half and Colton was high in the Jersey breed, with a team finish in 4th.  ...

  4. News tips and events for the week of July 15 Key topics include water management, crop insurance, risk management, conservation and technology. ...

  5. Dairy Judging Team Brings Home Win

    Holstein honors went to Robin as the high individual and again the team was in a 2nd place finish. Rounding ... out the breeds, Jerseys brought Lara a 3rd place, Jared in 4th and the 2nd high team. As the ... :// High Individuals Overall: 7: Lara Staples, Ohio State 3: Jared Smith, Ohio State 2: Robin Alden, ...

  6. Increased Global Grain Production Means Lower Grain Prices for U.S. Growers

    in the past three to four years, he said. “Prices will only return to profitable levels if supply ...

  7. Chow Line: When good fruit goes bad

    between a plum and an apricot) included both conventional and organic produce, because they were packed in ...

  8. M.S. Graduate Research

    grasses, soil quality, growth rate and accumulation of forages, and forage nutritive value. The selected ...

  9. Western Ohio Forage Day is Aug. 21

    and corn silage Alfalfa management inputs for high yield Red and white clover variety trials Native ...

  10. Ohio State Guide to Weed Identification Available for Growers

    high definition pictures for a number of the most common Midwestern U.S. weeds and basic intellectual ...
