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MarketView…Livestock Gross Market Insurance Product and Price Forcasts
subsidy up to 50%, exhausted all of its allocated underwriting funds with the sale of contracts at the ...
Welcome to our New 4-H Families!
more likely to exercise and be physically active * Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...
Rewriting Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index
Hear how Ohio State research and the fam community are collaborating. ...
SENR FALL HIKE: Christmas Rocks Nature Reserve Trip
ALL SENR Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to attend! This event is free. We will be providing bus transportation to Christmas Rocks and providing delicious snacks during our hike! Lauren Metcalf, from ODNR will be leading this hike and sharing in ...
James F. Patterson Land-Grant University Leture
a result are on their way to high school graduation and career and college access. In addition, the ...
SENR Internship Stories
experience with environmental regulations and also air and water testing equipment. I also had the ...
Reflections on Biking To Work
extended, allowing easy connection between Clintonville and Ohio State. Sharp notes for a long time (nearly ...
SENR Community reflects on why they like to ride
connection between Clintonville and Ohio State. Sharp notes for a long time (nearly 8 years or so) he did not ...
Milk Prices Flatten as Milk Output Stays in High Gear!
WHEW! In my April report (put out March 25th) I stated that the March BFP would come in at $11.57 and explained what was behind the significant decline in the February BFP. For March I was off by only 5 cents and I can live with it! Now let's turn ou ...
What Marketing Issues Did You Encounter this Past Season?
Link to webinar: Speaker(s): OSU Direct Marketing Team It is best to log in about 15 minutes prior to the start time so that you can make sure you are able to log in, and that your sou ...