
Search results

  1. Media Advisory: Buckeyes to Face Oregon — in Tree Planting — on Thursday

    center Jacoby Boren. The event goes from noon to 5 p.m. at High Oak Park, 2635 Wesley Drive, in ...

  2. Beck’s Hybrids Makes Five-Year, $1 Million Commitment to Field to Faucet, Farm Science Review

    Environmental Sciences launched Field to Faucet shortly after dangerous microcystin levels from harmful algae in ...

  3. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 18

    Columbus. Learn about best practices for using graywater and its impacts on soil and plant health. ... Pike, New Bloomington. Pre-registration by Sept. 2 is $25; on-site registration is $50. Information: ... Water and Soil Resources in Urban Ecosystems: Some Notes from the Field,” 4-5:30 p.m., 103 Kottman Hall, ...

  4. Chow Line: Save Time and Money at the Grocery Store

    shelves as most stores stock the most expensive items at the consumer’s eye level. Buy store brands. Most ...

  5. Chow Line: Talkin’ Turkey: Three Ways to Safely Thaw and Cook Frozen Turkey

    out of the temperature “danger zone” — between 40 and 140 degrees — where bacteria can multiply ...

  6. Project Helping Ohio Communities Avert Bust after Shale Boom

    Martha Filipic COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Boom, then bust. It’s a scenario often played out in local ...

  7. Pork Producers and Dairy Farmers Watchful of the Trade Conflict

    billion in products imported from China every year. This would add to the already $50 billion in Chinese ...

  8. Toadally Beneficial: Workshop on Wetlands and Wildlife June 3

    They’ll cover, among other things, managing water levels, invasive plant species and the habitat needs of ...

  9. EPN Event Will Look at New National Ecological Observatory

    from community to national levels,” said EPN’s coordinator, David Hanselmann, a lecturer in Ohio ...

  10. OARDC Director Steve Slack Inducted Into NIFA Hall of Fame

    international levels and will have demonstrated a measurable and positive impact on the lives of citizens,” ...
