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Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down
usually drop to 0.5 to 0.75% per day. Between late October to early November, field dry ‑ down rates drop ... weather, we are accumulating about 5 GDDs per day (assuming Tmax = 60F, Tmin = 50F). Corn Dry Down and Past ... while it stands in the field risks yield losses from stalk lodging, ear drops, ear rots, insect feeding, ...
Managing Phosphorus for Yield and Reduced Edge of Field Losses
level. At 20 PPM or less, the risk of yield loss increases. Annual in season P nutrient application ... applications when STP is greater than 150 PPM. Follow NRCS 590 site and rate criteria between 40 to 150 PPM ... 8. 8. BMPs for high risk P loss sites: Monitor fields for P loss using the Ohio P risk index and ...
Using Soil Tests Phosphorus Results to Identify Agronomic and Conservation Needs
chance of more than 0.5 inches of rainfall. Soil Test Phosphorous (STP) values are above 50 PPM Mehlich ... water quality. Fields with Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) levels two to three times higher than the ... Between 20-40 PPM (or 30-50 PPM if wheat/alfalfa are in the rotation) Greater than 50 PPM More detailed ...
Wheat Planting Management Considerations for Fall 2023
than corn or soybean, and soil test levels should be maintained between 30-50 ppm (Mehlich-3 P) for ... optimum production (Table 1). Do not add phosphorus if soil test levels exceed 50 ppm. Soil potassium ... should be maintained at levels of 100-130 and 120-170 ppm (Mehlich-3 K) on sandy soils (CEC < ...
Ohio State announces four new projects funded by the AgTech Innovation Hub
second call for proposals from the AgTech Innovation Hub. This ongoing collaboration between CFAES, ... climate risk management. The selected projects address vital needs across the agricultural ecosystem, ... focus on weather-related risks: one will tap into Extension professionals to help farmers adopt ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 29- 2024 Growing Season Wrap-Up
Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) from ...
Hurricane Helene Howls
to return by midweek, with highs in the 60s and 70s and overnight lows in the 40s and 50s for ... precipitation leaning toward below normal (Figure 4). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of ...
Hurricane Helene’s Effect on Soybean in Ohio
through September 30, rainfall totaled between 2 to 8 inches in western, central, and southern Ohio with ... average air temperatures in the mid to high 60s. After dry seed was exposed to these weather conditions, ...
Patricia Brundige Inducted into National 4-H Hall of Fame
the local, state, and national levels. This year, Brundige was one of 15 inductees honored during ...
Dreams a reality with 4-H
state, national, or even international level.” Kevin O’Reilly with his son’s steer. O’Reilly watching ...