
Search results

  1. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    adjustments if there is a difference greater than 5% between the actual application rate and the intended ... significant variation during the growing season with significant gaps between trees or vines. Therefore, the ... gallons per acre, and make the appropriate changes if the difference between the actual and the intended ...

  2. Journal Articles

    Rahman (2022) Do High-Magnesium Cool-Season Grasses Contemplate Grass Tetany Risk? Open Journal of Soil ... Eurasian J Soil Sci 2021, 10 (2) 150- 160.  Heba S. El-Desouky, Khandakar R. Islam, Brad Bergefurd, Gary ... to remediate high ground water-table saline soil under continental climates. Inter. J. Plant & ...

  3. Bowling honored with national early-career teaching award

    while also supervising student teachers and advising students. “To be recognized at the national level ... a diverse career spanning 17 years in middle school, high school, and higher education. Bowling credits her ...

  4. Gibberella Ear Rot and Mycotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing, and Storage

    screening steps. Semi-quantitative tests estimate vomitoxin at or above certain levels (>5 ppm) or within ... (DON), also called vomitoxin. As a result, high levels of Gibberella ear rot severity and moldy grain are ... usually accompanied by high levels of vomitoxin. Mycotoxins are harmful to both humans and animals. ...

  5. Extension and News Articles

    test kit: A simple test for active organic matter as a measure of soil quality. SAG-4-08, OSU ... State Tests Bioenergy Crops for Fuel, Combustion June 8, 2013-  Soil Health and Cover Crops ... building or destroying soil organic matter. SAG-20-11. Ohio State University Extension. Hoorman, J., Aziz, ...

  6. Fertility Management of Meadows

    nutrition, forage test to check for adequate levels. When the soil pH is below 5.0, aluminum availability ... critical soil test level of 15-25 parts per million (ppm) phosphorus for Bray P1 test results or 28-40 ppm ... leaching. The critical soil test levels for potassium are 125-200 ppm. Plants have the ability to take up ...

  7. Join the conversation: Celebrate Ohio Soil Health Week at Nov. 12 breakfast event

    soil health science and policy, and we look forward to engaging dialogue of the connection between soil ... COLUMBUS, Ohio —Celebrating the vital importance of soil health during the inaugural  Ohio Soil ... individuals interested in soil health from agricultural, land use, and ecological perspectives,” said Harrison ...

  8. Sara Deakin

    her Shetland Sheepdogs Steeer, and Venture, in agility and competing at the state and national level ...

  9. Cultural Immersion Projects

    teambuilding activities for students at University Gardens High School. Who: Ohio 4-H teens ages 15-18 (by the ... date of the trip and still in high school) Where: Puerto Rico (San Juan and the mountain village of ... Internship” with AFS high school students working in cohorts focused on different program units that include:  ...

  10. Lindsey Van Gundy

    Shooting Sports program, including Level 1 discipline certification workshops, volunteer management, and ...
