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  1. Pastures for Profit

    This year between January and March in 2021, the Pastures for Profit curriculum will be offered as ... exercises that accompany each webinar. The Pastures for Profit program is a collaboration between Ohio State ... of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and the Ohio Forage and ...

  2. Congratulations to Student Award Winners!

    within their respective fields.  2023 Recipients: Kate Beran- ATI Crop Management and Soil Conversation, ...

  3. Congratulations, Outstanding Students!

    Wednesday, April 19. This year's honorees are: Katherine Beran  Crop Management & Soil Conservation ...

  4. Apply for 2023 Homecoming Court!! Deadline FRIDAY!

    standing, have completed 30 credit hours by the end of summer 2023, maintain a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA, ...

  5. Housing Events for the Month of Love!

    WAFFLES"- Donkey, Shrek. Between assignments, tests, and upcoming midterms, it is becoming increasingly ...

  6. Women's Place Virtual Symposium

    divide household labor equally between partners.  Drop the Ball  shows how everyone benefits when men ...

  7. Pressure Canner Testing- August 24, 2023 (by appointment)

    Free Pressure Canner Testing for Brown County residents looking to preserve their produce ...

  8. Fill out a 15 minute research survey for a chance to win a $100 dollar gift card!

    My name is Luke Power. I am a high school physics and environmental science teacher in Wayne ...

  9. Recreation

    holders to spend their evenings and free time between classes.  The game room contains a pool table, ping ...

  10. NEW!!!! Livestock Judging Team

    livestock judging, succeeding in placings and reasons on the national level. Seth now frequently serves as ... swine judge on the state and national level. “I not only want to make a competitive livestock judging ...
