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Water Quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin
soil health and reducing nutrient and sediment losses within the western Lake Erie basin. You can learn ...
Rodriguez awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Canada
not consider the complexities of the household and the communities that are most at risk. Food ...
Paula Horowitz
Program Assistant, EFNEP Adult and Youth 513-975-5131 Paula Horowitz ...
Making an Awesome Cloverbud Experience
between numbers of members and leaders. A ratio of 6 Cloverbud members per volunteer seems to work well. ...
Soil Testing
The Franklin County Extension office now has soil testing kits available for sale. Testing is ... calcium by the Mehlich 3 (ICP) test. The final report includes the chemical analysis of the soil along ... copper and sulfur are also reported. Analysis is done at a non-biased university soil testing laboratory ...
Buy your tickets for the Celebration of Youth today!
aged 21 and older can purchase their tickets online for just $50. Information on how to become an event ...
Leading from Wherever You Are online
addition to influence, leaders need to build positive relationships with others at all levels of the ... will focus on the relationships you have at all levels of your organization. Participants will share ... influence at all levels of the organization. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Please note, if you ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership
test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
Doctoral Dissertations
between job satisfaction of county Extension unit employees and the level of emotional intelligence of ... development and the practicality of offering college-level introductory courses to high school students Garee ... cognitive levels 1990 Mathew Thomas Baker advised by J. David McCracken Relationships between quality ...
Five Ohio teens selected to be Roth Scholars
two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, ... of highly trained educators, in-person and virtual programming options, and longstanding reputation ...