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Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down
usually drop to 0.5 to 0.75% per day. Between late October to early November, field dry ‑ down rates drop ... weather, we are accumulating about 5 GDDs per day (assuming Tmax = 60F, Tmin = 50F). Corn Dry Down and Past ... while it stands in the field risks yield losses from stalk lodging, ear drops, ear rots, insect feeding, ...
Cross and Drewry publish article on remote diagnosis of wheat stripe rust progression
high-throughput classification of WSR severity. Utilizing random forest models based on leaf-level and ... canopy-level hyperspectral data, researchers achieved classification accuracies of 45-52%, which improved to ... 79-96% with off-by-one scoring. The canopy-level model outperformed the leaf-level models, highlighting ...
before planting when the soil-test level is below 50 ppm. Recommendations are determined by yield goal ... removal). Yield Potential (bu/ac) Soil CEC Soil-Test K (ppm) 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 60 lb ... ―Both Grain and Straw Removed. Yield Potential (bu/ac) Soil CEC Soil-Test K (ppm) 25 50 75 100 125 150 ...
Newly Developed Vaccine Toolkit Now Available
specific concerns for high-risk populations. Increasing Accessibility: Designed to be easily accessible to ... between community members and healthcare providers, and ensure increased access to vaccination clinics for ... infographics, pamphlets, and videos covering seasonal vaccines, age-specific needs, and guidance for at-risk ...
Fertilization Recommendations
Magnesium (Mg) Soybeans require a minimum exchangeable soil test level of 200 and 50 ppm (400 and 100 ... Recommendations for Soybeans. Yield Potential (bu/ac) Soil test (Bray P) 30 40 50 60 70 ppm (lb/ac) ... Cation Exchange Capacities (CECs) and Soil-Test Levels. Yield Potential bu/ ac 30 40 50 60 ...
Hurricane Helene Howls
to return by midweek, with highs in the 60s and 70s and overnight lows in the 40s and 50s for ... precipitation leaning toward below normal (Figure 4). Climate averages include a high-temperature range of ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 29- 2024 Growing Season Wrap-Up
Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) from ...
Hurricane Helene’s Effect on Soybean in Ohio
through September 30, rainfall totaled between 2 to 8 inches in western, central, and southern Ohio with ... average air temperatures in the mid to high 60s. After dry seed was exposed to these weather conditions, ...
Prochaska supports water access project in Tanzania, uses scholarship to aid funding
get it to the level of implementation," he said. "The projects we're working on are ...
Mental Wellness Education
centers on the connections between the brain, mind, body and behavior. Helping Young Children Through ...