
Search results

  1. Dry Conditions in Corn & Stalk Quality Concerns

    another way to assess lodging risks. Push the stalks at the ear level; if the stalk breaks between the ear ... compressed when the stalk is squeezed between the thumb and the forefinger. The " push test " is ... risk of stalk lodging, grain yield losses, and slowdown the harvest process. The level of stalk ...

  2. Revised Ohio Agronomy Guide Available

    normal and trends to include the most recent 30-year period Revised soil fertility recommendations Double ...

  3. Managing Phosphorus for Yield and Reduced Edge of Field Losses

    level. At 20 PPM or less, the risk of yield loss increases. Annual in season P nutrient application ... applications when STP is greater than 150 PPM. Follow NRCS 590 site and rate criteria between 40 to 150 PPM ... 8. 8. BMPs for high risk P loss sites: Monitor fields for P loss using the Ohio P risk index and ...

  4. Sours and Vance to participate in university's first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community

    participate in the first Sustainability Pedagogy Learning Community, coordinated through a partnership between ...

  5. Using Soil Tests Phosphorus Results to Identify Agronomic and Conservation Needs

    chance of more than 0.5 inches of rainfall. Soil Test Phosphorous (STP) values are above 50 PPM Mehlich ... water quality. Fields with Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) levels two to three times higher than the ... Between 20-40 PPM (or 30-50 PPM if wheat/alfalfa are in the rotation) Greater than 50 PPM More detailed ...

  6. Boone Appointment Extension

    appointment provides Dr. Boone the opportunity to focus on some high-priority goals this academic year. During ...

  7. Wheat Planting Management Considerations for Fall 2023

    than corn or soybean, and soil test levels should be maintained between 30-50 ppm (Mehlich-3 P) for ... optimum production (Table 1). Do not add phosphorus if soil test levels exceed 50 ppm. Soil potassium ... should be maintained at levels of 100-130 and 120-170 ppm (Mehlich-3 K) on sandy soils (CEC < ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 28- Corn Harvest Considerations

    considerations, including corn ear orientation and test weight. As we embark on corn harvest, besides considering ... lead to premature black layer and reduced yields. Additionally, if crop stress is present, test weight ... will be affected as well. Ears with low test weight reflect sub-optimum conditions during the second ...

  9. 2024 End-of-Season Corn Yield Forecasts for Ohio

    distribution (associated with respective adverse and favorable weather scenarios during the rest of the ... 1):   Very high probability (+/-) of near average yield potential for Custar, OH. The estimated 2024 ... end-of-season yield potential was 229 bu/ac. Very high probability (+/-) of below average yield potential for ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 26 –

    period can be necessary. Squeeze-test. For this method, take two fingers and squeeze the stalk between ... methods to test corn stalk strength as we approach harvest. The dry conditions throughout Ohio has pushed ... that are not filled and are disintegrating, there is also discoloration present (Figure 1). Push-test ...
