
Search results

  1. Ohio State educator honored with national early-career teaching award

    supervising student teachers and advising students. “To be recognized at the national level by two outstanding ... middle school, high school, and higher education. Bowling credits her success to the lessons learned from ...

  2. “Oh Deer!” – Collaborative Deer Management Program to Tackle Growing Wildlife Challenge

    for environmental professionals across and between communities, cities, and counties to learn from ... suburbs and underscoring the need for cross-boundary coordination between cities, we hope to inspire ...

  3. Safety first: Enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers without worry

    can increase the risk of foodborne illnesses, as bacteria can proliferate on leftovers stored beyond ... “This is especially important for individuals at higher risk for infections, including the elderly, ...

  4. Advanced Drainage Systems collaboration supports Ohio State research, students and operation

    has state-of-the-art equipment to develop, test, and analyze stormwater management systems, some of ...

  5. Continued Research Digs Deeper into the Development of Agricultural Land

    developed land is a topic of increasing interest in Ohio. Highlights of the most recent report are: Between ... on agricultural land loss may vary between MSA and non-MSA areas.  Columbus city deserves special ...

  6. Vegetable Gardening "How To"

    a message) Information on Soil testing- OSU Factsheet ... Composting Garden and Lawn Waste, Pam Bennett, Horticulture Educator with Ohio State University ...   ...

  7. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste In study, 1 in 4 users reports an increase in discarding food

    represented a range of ages, household incomes and education levels, and most had insurance. On average, the ... used simulations to show that reducing population-level food consumption can lower energy costs, ...

  8. Undergraduate

    is a joint major between our department and the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), ... complement their work in their major program of study. EEDS is a joint program between our department and ... issues such as soil and water conservation, pollution control policy, land use, environmental benefit ...

  9. Breathe easier in grain bins

    grain bins and test dust concentrations during different activities such as unloading grain and cleaning ...

  10. Saba secures grants for food waste conversion research

    CAPPS is designed to foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of ...
