
Search results

  1. Undergraduate Research Going Strong in Animal Sciences

    effects of the interaction between nitrate and protozoa on methane production in continuous culture ...

  2. Ohio State Coyote Expert to Be Featured on PBS Show 'Nature' Jan. 22

    whether they pose a risk to people and his long-term study in Chicago. Gehrt’s coyote research also has ...

  3. Tips and Events for the Week of August 20

    Lincoln Way, Wooster. Free. More information: 22 Tile Drainage and Soil Health Field Day, ...

  4. Meat Science Program and Meat Judging Team Hold a Meat Judging Clinic

    especially for the teams competing at the national level. Meat judging is a tremendous opportunity. It is on ...

  5. Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago

    Illinois, ThinkChicago is a collaboration between Mayor Emanuel, CIW, University of Illinois, World Business ...

  6. News Tips and Events for the Week of Sept. 17

    able to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction. Lee Beers, an Ohio State University ...

  7. New Exhibit Showcases History and Role of Forests in Ohio

    the story of the unique connection and history shared between The Ohio State University and Ohio’s ...

  8. Chow Line: When good fruit goes bad

    between a plum and an apricot) included both conventional and organic produce, because they were packed in ...

  9. Ohio Hosting North American Manure Expo Aug. 3-4

    and Illinois Level 2 Applicator Certification; Pennsylvania Act 49, Manure Hauler and Broker; ...

  10. Ohio State Guide to Weed Identification Available for Growers

    high definition pictures for a number of the most common Midwestern U.S. weeds and basic intellectual ...
