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  1. Creating Your Own Customer Profile

    Link to webinar: Speaker(s):     TBA It is best to log in about 15 minutes prior to the start time so that you can make sure you are able to log in, and that your sound is working properly. NOTE: if you will ...

  2. USDA: More Corn, Fewer Soybean Acres This Year

    while the soybean rate will decrease. The question is how much risk producers are willing to take to end ...

  3. OARDC Names 2009 Junior Faculty Research Award Winners: Land Use, Food-borne Illness Experts

    in the past eight years, including three papers with more than 50 citations; is committed to ...

  4. OSU Extension Plays Key Role in Solar Energy Development in Ohio

    those workers receiving training in green energy technologies. Additionally, three area high schools ...

  5. Communiqué November 21, 2012

    Contents Thanksgiving Message from the Director Keep Commitments- Behavior # 12 of High ... Keith Back to Top Keep Commitments- Behavior # 12 of High-Trust Leaders-Keith Smith, associate vice ...

  6. Higher Food, Commodity Prices Prompting Focus on Ag Policy, Research

    in those terms with the U.S. federal budget deficit so high." Zulauf said other policy issues ...

  7. Ohio State Researcher: Foodborne Illness Costs $77.7 Billion a Year

    cost is high, it doesn't come near the $11.4 billion cost associated with Salmonella (specifically ...

  8. Wide Variety of Lettuces Can Be Grown in Ohio

    Celeryville, Ohio, and found that many are adapted to Ohio's climate and soils. The project was designed ...

  9. Communiqué January 10, 2011

    6.00) I am satisfied with the level of communication I receive from my supervisor. (mean of 7.17) *Mean ... services- running the risk of reducing public value, leading to further budget cuts. Other states are exploring ways ...

  10. OSU South Centers Small Business Development Center Awarded for Excellence

    achieve that speaks highly of their knowledge and ability to service our clients' needs." The ...
