
Search results

  1. Market Focus Returns to Weather, Broader Economy Following USDA Reports

    predicting between 143 and 153 bushels per acre, but the price action we saw in Chicago Monday said the ...

  2. Annual Christmas Tree Sale sponsored by Forestry Forum 11/30- 12/2

    The 2017 Annual Christmas Tree Sale sponsored by Forestry Forum, starts on Thursday, November 30 th and runs through Sunday, December 3 at 2 p.m. (while supplies last). Proceeds go to benefit the Forestry Forum at Ohio State, which awards scholarships and ...

  3. Impact of Natural Gas Production on Rural Ohio Discussed at Farm Science Review 2011

    impact at a very local level. “When these discussions start, we have to look at how to put together the ...

  4. Champion Dog Breeder: 'I Owe It All to 4-H'

    fundamentals, 4-H provides: Leadership opportunities at the club, county and state levels. Positive ...

  5. Pedal Power! Try Bike-based E-charger at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair

    "comfort" models — all available for test rides — and related gear for both cycling and walking. ...

  6. Researchers Unravel Challenges of Drug-Resistant Bacteria

    Codex Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance by WHO/FAO, Wang said. ...

  7. OARDC, OSU Extension Join Effort to Fight Ash Pest Found in Ohio

    black. Herms speculates that blue ash, which grows in the lime-rich soils of southwestern Ohio, will also ... recommend applying imidacloprid (Merit 75 WP) to infested trees that are not more than 50 percent dead. ...

  8. Chow Line: Help build culture of healthy living, eating (for 3/13/11)

    as much high-end marketing and advertising as chips, cake mixes, soft drinks and pizza. Imagine that ...

  9. Proposed Research Facility to Focus on Plant/Animal Diseases

    technology moves forward, enabling researchers to study only such moderate-risk agents as Cryptosporidium and ...

  10. OARDC Researcher Awarded Honorary Doctorate

    and developed diagnostic tests and research methods for working with them in the laboratory. Hailed by ...
