
Search results

  1. Section VII: Academic Department Information

    foster sound working relationships, we highly encourage department and center faculty and staff to inform ...


    sheets from the most recent business year. To fill in the year between the balance sheets, we provide ...

  3. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    USDA-NRCS and the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District, and is sponsored by the Farm Bureau of ... Participants will learn to improve management of pastures through soil and fertility management and how to ... will include: pasture walk, pasture management and paddock design, soil and fertility management, and ...

  4. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    USDA-NRCS and the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District, and is sponsored by the Farm Bureau of ... Participants will learn to improve management of pastures through soil and fertility management and how to ... will include: pasture walk, pasture management and paddock design, soil and fertility management, and ...

  5. Time to Scout for Black Cutworm in Corn

    emergence, and is harder to recover from.  Soil moisture conditions can sometimes dictate where you might ... expect to find cutting with above ground cutting occurring under moist soil conditions and below ground ... cutting occurring under dry soil conditions.  Treatment is warranted when visible cutworm injury is ...

  6. Legal Liability for Food Products will be Topic at Two Ohio Small Farm Conferences

    Ohio. They will present two sessions: "Setting up Your Food Business: Risk Reduction ...

  7. TIC Gums Visits OSU's Food Science Department

    and Technology Building. OSU works with many regional food companies by providing sensory testing and ...

  8. Communiqué August 16, 2012

    Confront Reality- Behavior #8 of High Trust Leaders-Keith Smith, associate vice president, ... to market level salaries for educators are all examples of facing reality. We have been honest and open ... high-trust relationship? Consider confronting the issue head-on, with respect. Summary: Take issues head on, ...

  9. Rainy day entertainment – get up to speed on pigweed ID

    that we use to differentiate between redroot pigweed, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth – pubescence, ...

  10. Postemergence Control of Giant Ragweed in Soybeans

    glyphosate, from being fairly sensitive still to having a low level of resistance to fully resistant.  ... population is sensitive to glyphosate.  It is possible to use just a high rate of glyphosate in fields where ... by the first application. 2.  population has lost some sensitivity to glyphosate (low level ...
