
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Don’t Drink the Pool Water!

    your summer in the pool and help decrease the risk of yourself or your kids getting sick? The CDC says: ...

  2. Soil Health Field Day


  3. FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout

    "high-bay”) and high-volume grill for an end-of-the-semester celebration and cookout on Monday, April 25 from ...

  4. Ohio’s Worst Woodland Invaders and How to Stop Them: May 20

    like cardinals, and ups the risk of nest parasitism by cowbirds. “Some invasive species have more ...

  5. Germinate International Film Festival

    filmmakers from the area surrounding Highland County. Filmmakers of all skill and expertise levels are ...

  6. 4-H Counting on Alumni to Raise Their Hands in National Contest

    who want a high resolution photo of Shelley Meyer reciting the 4-H pledge can contact Suzanne Steel at ...

  7. What GMO Labeling Means for ‘Black Box’ of Food Storage, Distribution: Panel Discussion Sept. 20

    non-GMO crops? Are there differences in implications on the food chain between labels that say ‘contains ... they show up a little while later on our store shelves, but everything in between is pretty opaque. ...

  8. Northwest Ohio Precision Planter Day to be Held by OSU Extension

    other soybean trials (Mike Staton, MSUE), planter downforce options and high speed planting (Nate ...

  9. Northwest Ohio Precision Planter Day to be Held by OSU Extension

    other soybean trials (Mike Staton, MSUE), planter downforce options and high speed planting (Nate ...

  10. When Weed Killers Miss Their Mark

    Review will show how nutrient levels within a field can differ significantly. “I can look across a field ...
