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Black Cutworm and Armyworm Counts on the Rise
Last week, both Purdue University and the University of Kentucky reported high black cutworm ...
What’s Limiting Soybean Yield?---Still Need Data From 185 Fields
respective individual farms. The term used for the difference between what yield is possible on your farm ...
Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce
promoted to supervisory leadership positions. This generation of highly educated 20-30 somethings tend to ...
Statewide Sheep Shearing School 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012. If you decide to register after that date, please call Roger A. High at ... (614)246-8299 or via email at If you have questions, please call Roger A. High at (614) ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership
A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see ...
Meat Judging: Various Coaches 1990-2006
1st Grading, 1st specs; Eastern: 3rd Overall, 1st Grading; High Plains: 6th overall, 1st Specs; ... Eastern, 3rd Southeastenr; Johnson: 10th High Plains; Minier: 2nd High Plains; Murphy: 10th Eastern 1998 ... overall, beef grading, pork, lamb judging and specs, 1st placings, 2nd beef judging, High Plains/Excel ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update
Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production ...
Sorting through Residual Soybean Herbicide options
metribuzin as appropriate to bring the rate up to 8 to 12 oz where soil type allows. Giant ragweed – ... inhibitors are largely ineffective due to a high frequency of ALS resistance, but the following active ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership is Sold Out
A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see ...
GSO Luncheon
have a student luncheon in there, so it is not a high priority. If other people would like to schedule ...