
Search results

  1. Asiatic Garden Beetles in Northwest Ohio

    Damage appears to be most prevalent in sandier soils, which are concentrated in NW Ohio, but can also be ... mouth (CORN Newsletter 2013-15), see photo 1. If uncovered from the soil surface, the g+rubs try to move ... quickly back underneath the soil. Damaged fields often have gaps in rows, and affected corn often appears ...

  2. 2017 Buckeye Shepherd Symposium

    experience level of sheep producers.  The theme of this year’s program is “Improving Profitability of the ...

  3. Xtend soybean/dicamba information

    along with an ODA fact sheet summarizing key aspects and differences between the labels.  We have also ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-29

    disease caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. It survives in the soil as microsclerotia and infections occur ... where SCN populations were high, that area of the field matured first. Turning bright yellow and dying ... lower than you might expect. In test plots planted April 29 at the Western Agricultural Research Station ...

  5. Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions- Greenville

    Making with High Resolution Crop Imagery Drones in Agriculture Layering Your Maps Big Data – Where are we ...

  6. Current Weed Issues I: Controlling Weeds in Prevented Planting Areas

    going to seed and increasing the soil seedbank – anything that goes to seed will have to be dealt with ...

  7. April 2017 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Monica Giusti who has been granted a new patent with shared IP between Ohio State and MARS ...

  8. 2016 Grain is in the Bin- What Should I Watch for?

    cleaned grain, stored into a clean bin will prevent problems. Questionable grain due to high levels of ... a depression. After coring the bin, the grain mass should be leveled flat for a most efficient aeration. If the ...

  9. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace Online Workshop

    in the workforce? These younger employees are technologically wired, highly educated and eager to ... make a difference in their workplace. This highly interactive workshop is filled with information that ...

  10. Meet Dylan Beam: Biological Engineering Major and Undergraduate Researcher

    friends, they’d tell you he’s always tapping. Back in high school, he played lacrosse. He carries his love ... career. His interest in neural prosthetics stems from his junior year of high school, when he saw a video ...
