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  1. ENR Alumni, Family and Friends Holiday Gathering- Columbus, Ohio

    This year, the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) is hosting its annual ENR Alumni, Family and Friends Holiday Gathering at one of the Franklin Conservatory Aglow events. ...

  2. EPN Breakfast- Climate Action: Our Local Response to a Global Challenge

    The U.S. Global Change Research Program just released its Fourth National Climate Assessment. Some weather-related challenges in our region include impacts such as flooding, drought, and increases in urban heat islands. We know our climate is changing, so ...

  3. White Wheat Heads: Freeze Damage, Wheat Take-All, or Fusarium Head Blight?

    damage or disease. Freeze damage. In mid-May temperatures dipped to high 20s/low 30s in several parts of ...

  4. Dr. David Benfield

    highly-valued purposes, including the promotion of wellness, the preservation of greenspaces, and a place where ...

  5. 2019 Precision University: In-Season Decisions- London, Ohio

    Experts will share information on the latest equipment, precision ag technologies, and digital tools to help you make better decisions during the growing season. Featured Topics: Using Imagery for Scouting As-applied Spray Documentation Sense-and-spray Te ...

  6. Communiqué March 28, 2012

    Talk Straight- Behavior #1 of High-Trust Leaders-from Keith Smith, associate vice president and ... high-trust leaders in organizations and businesses.  Expanding on the observation that “what you DO often has ... actions of high-trust leaders. These behaviors are based on proven principles, they grow out of the four ...

  7. Last Call- Participate in Soybean Yield-Limiting Research This Week

    their respective individual farms.  The term used for the difference between what yield is possible on ...

  8. Application of Manure to Newly Planted Wheat Fields

    While the results were good, yields were not as high as expected due to the delay in getting the manure ...

  9. FSR Agronomy College coming September 15th

    Nutrient Placement Systems for Improved Efficiency and Environmental Consequences in High Yield Corn – Tony ...

  10. Wet Weather and Late-Season Fungicides

    regarding late-season fungicides.  With funding from Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a “high-input” trial ...
