
Search results

  1. Staging Corn with Severe Leaf Damage Early in the Season

    result (665) by 82 (equal to V8.1).” Growth-limiting stresses and conditions (soil moisture deficits, ...

  2. Ghana Study Abroad Program Celebrates 10 Years

    farmers because the banks consider the farmers too high of a risk to pay back their loans.” The loans have ...

  3. Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis receives 2017 IUFoST Young Scientist Award

    discovery and characterization of compounds with high commercial and nutritional value. Creating ... opportunities from food industry waste products. Dr. Hatzakis has also been very successful in producing high ...

  4. B. Barrick

    202 Subject: Can I have Room 202 tomorrow (Friday) from 11:30- 12:30?? Importance: High   Just let ...

  5. Cakes & chemistry: the science of baking

    a recipe — too much baking powder, over-mixing a batter — can make the difference between a moist cupcake ...

  6. Storing Bulbs for the Winter

    before the first fall frost, you must dig up the tubers and rinse off all the soil. Cut back the leaf ... they can be packed in peat moss and stored at 50 to 55 degrees for the rest of the winter. Again ...

  7. Storing Bulbs for the Winter

    before the first fall frost, you must dig up the tubers and rinse off all the soil. Cut back the leaf ... they can be packed in peat moss and stored at 50 to 55 degrees for the rest of the winter. Again ...

  8. CCA Pre-Exam Training January 10 & 11

    Soil/Water Management with subject matter and questions/answers at end of each chapter. For more information ...

  9. High Pressure Processing and Juice

    FST Professor Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam talks about high pressure processing and juice in a recent ...

  10. Setting Goals for 2019

    I had the opportunity between Christmas and New Years to spend some extended time with my college ...
