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Dec. 14 Agriculture and Natural Resources Tax Webinar and Workshop Focuses on New Tax Rules
file their own farm taxes, Gearhardt said. The program, which is an intermediate-level course, will ...
Nutrition Program Expanding in 20 Ohio Counties
as well as specialized programs for pregnant women and new mothers, she said. More, Better Between ...
Chow Line: Dietitians offer guidance on apps
otherwise cumbersome, search around for other options that offer the same type of information, and test them ...
Ohio Fish & Shrimp Festival
nutritional benefits-- they are high in protein, low in saturated fat and they contain many other nutrients ... order to supply consumers with high-quality, consistent food. Domesticated fish are raised and marketed ... shouldn't it be? Farm fish eat high-protein feed, they are kept in tanks that provide continuously filtered ...
Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce
promoted to supervisory leadership positions. This generation of highly educated 20-30 somethings tend to ...
Registration Open, Scholarships Available for Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp
high school. Its goal is to introduce campers to trees, birds, bugs, mammals and more, including how to ...
Workshop Teaches Growers to Identify Spotted Wing Drosophila
Michigan, where many blueberry, bramble and strawberry growers reported up to 50 percent fruit loss in 2012, ...
Feb. 11 Program to Feature Blueprint Columbus, Water for the Americas
Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus. Details on the schedule and speakers are at ...
Donation Benefits Animal Science Graduate Students
High School and the Wayne County Vocational School for a total of 23 years. Earle held faculty ...
Chow Line: Pre-cut Melons Tied to Multistate Salmonella Outbreak
produce can become contaminated. For example, if animal feces are in the field or soil in which the ...