
Search results

  1. Makeup tests

    202 Wednesday, January 10, 2018- 8:00am to 11:00am ...

  2. Buckeye Bus & President Drake Visit Kewpee Hamburgers- Lima, Ohio

    Please join President Michael Drake and students during his State Tour stop in Lima at Kewpee Hamburgers for lunch and mingling on June 20, 2018. Enjoy lunch on us with your fellow Buckeyes from greater Lima! ...

  3. Buckeye Smart at Chadwick Arboretum

    Buckeye Smart attendees will first hear from Mary Maloney, Director of Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens at Longaberger Alumni House and then take a bus tour to see the Cancer Survivors’ Plaza, the Lane Avenue Gardens and then tour the Learning Ga ...

  4. USDA Small Business Innovation Research Grant Workshop- Lima, Ohio

    Ohio State Extension is presenting a three hour workshop to introduce innovators, entrepreneurs and those with ideas to move from idea to business. Small Business Innovation Research Grants (SBIR) through the USDA offer the opportunity to receive funding ...

  5. Aggregating Produce, Sharing Profits- Mansfield, Ohio

    OSU Mansfield invites the public to a workshop focused on moving the urban food production conversation to the next step by focusing on concrete institutional solutions. ...

  6. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    Thanks to her involvement, "more than 50 new community gardens were created and continue to flourish ...

  7. View full program video, 50th Anniversary Event, July 1, 2017

    View video of the formal program, July 1, 2017. ...

  8. Ohio Does It Again!

    Once again, Ohio claimed the win for the national 4-H Raise Your Hand campaign.  We'd like to provide a huge thank you to all of the alumni, volunteers and friends who got Ohio to the top spot.  After trailing Nebraska by 83 votes in the week before ...

  9. From Pigs to People: Identifying a Threat

    Research at the Food Animal Health Research Program (FAHRP) in collaboration with Utrecht University in the Netherlands identified a pig virus with the potential to spread to people.  ...

  10. 50th Anniversary Event, Video Highlights

    July 1 reunion event > View video ...
