
Search results

  1. Defying the Laws of Nature

    aquaculture. While they remained females at the chromosome level — possessing the XX chromosome pair as opposed ... resistance. By changing the genetic makeup of the fish, researchers can select for high disease resistance and ...

  2. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension- Fall Series

    stress-levels Fee includes a set of guided mindfulness practice tracks and 1 yoga video to aid in daily practice ...

  3. Research leads to 4 month longer Ohio Strawberry harvest season and $5 million in annual sales

    production, matted row production, greenhouse and high tunnel production. These strawberry production ...

  4. Agencies and Organizations

    Central Risk Management Education Center USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)   Additonal ...

  5. 2013 Master Gardening Program

    the Master,  Gardener Volunteer Program, Basic Botany and Plant Physiology, Soils and Fertilizers, ...

  6. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    offered an integrated training with "3-I" levels: Intensive, an in-depth level involving ... immersion in a year-long hands-on training and mentoring program; Intermediate, a mid-level involving ... participation in a variety of learning activities; and Introductory, a general level where sharing of ...

  7. Aquaculture Education Update

    Piketon, Ohio. Science Alliance is an annual high school education event that was developed and coordinated ... and was established to educate high school students about STEM opportunities throughout the country. ...

  8. Ms. Hiam S. Desouky passed her defense and received her Ph.D.

    Ms. Hiam S. Desouky, who was trained through a joint Ph.D. training program between OSU South ...

  9. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    topic,  called “ECO-Farming, Biodiversity and Soil Health: A Systems Approach to Enhancing Productivity,” ...

  10. Workforce Development: Apprenticeship

    growers are over 50 years old 80-85% of farms are operated by part-time growers with less than 15 acres ... 80-85% of farms gross less than $50,000 annually Main barrier to moving to a full-time specialty crops ...
