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Controlling marestail in wheat stubble
increase in the soil seedbank, but coming up with the right strategy has not necessarily been easy. Keep ... course there can be emergence of new plants after harvest, depending upon moisture and the degree of soil ... difference in control between application dates would have been accentuated for marestail plants that had ...
Students compete at CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum
OSU undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty, and the public. Participation ...
Champaign County Precision Ag Day: Nutrient Technology
Economics of Precision Soil Sampling by Dave Scheiderer (Integrated Ag Services), Nitrogen Placement by Dr. ... Hoewischer (OFBF) and Soil Fertility Limitations in Soybeans by Dr. Laura Lindsey (OSU). Several local ...
Update from Dr. Boone
Operations and Design. This office is highly involved with capital projects on our campus. 8. Planning for ...
Fertilizer Application Certification & Training (FACT), Nutrient Management Field Day- September 6th
apply fertilizer to 50 or more acres per year including side dress nutrients to corn will need to be ...
Ramey completes internship with OSU Extension: Adventure Central
and skills needed for the 21 st century. Ramey also provided supervision and risk management oversight ...
Student Team Places 2nd at Regional Associated Schools of Construction Competition
were a highly motivated and hard-working group of individuals that worked together well,” said Don ...
Six honored by CFAES
running a highly successful landscaping business, Impullitti serves on Ohio State ATI's Key Advisory ... Center and more than 50 other awards from state landscaping associations and horticultural experts from ...
Pease Dissertation Defense
219 Hi Jim, I would like to reserve room 219 on Tuesday, April 12 between 9 am and 1 pm for my ...
Implicit Bias
Implicit Bias External Resources Harvard Project Implicit-take the Implicit Bias Test Article on I mplicit ...