
Search results

  1. Observations from Tour of Matlink Dairy in New York

    a profit center for the farm. The food wastes are high in energy, having three times the gas production per ...

  2. The Environmental Impact of rbST

    power our cars in the future. High-technology synthetic compounds are being developed to improve the ...

  3. Composition of Corn Silage Harvested in 2011

    grain, and source of grain (dry versus high moisture versus steam flaked) that can affect ruminal pH and ...

  4. Forage Inventory Needs for Dairy Farms

              40 35 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 50 39 0.8 1.6 2.3 3.1 60 43 0.9 1.7 2.6 3.5 1 Assumes 10% shrink during storage ...

  5. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update

    Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production ...

  6. Sorting through Residual Soybean Herbicide options

    metribuzin as appropriate to bring the rate up to 8 to 12 oz where soil type allows. Giant ragweed  – ... inhibitors are largely ineffective due to a high frequency of ALS resistance, but the following active ...

  7. The Big Data Confusion: Part 2- Education

    clarity between all parties and stakeholders. Grower organizations and industry should work to develop ...

  8. Don’t wait to monitor stands

    identified more than 25 different species of Pythium that are highly pathogenic on both corn and soybean.  ...

  9. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    panels on farms (usually placed on barn roofs), continued focus on wind and water power, and soil ...

  10. Reporting of Independent Contractors

    failure to make a report is the result of a conspiracy between the employer and the employee not to report ...
