
Search results

  1. Above Normal Temps will be the Trend

    near normal to above normal rainfall. The week of May 16 will be much warmer than normal with highs ...

  2. "Reconstructing SNAP to More Effectively Alleviate Food Insecurity in the U.S."

    enable more of these households to be food secure is to provide higher benefit levels. To identify the ...

  3. Let’s Talk About Money

    into it b.      Having a savings account that cannot get below a certain level unless it is a real ...

  4. 2016 Corn College- Greenville, OH

    Disease, Ear Rot and Yield in Field Corn – Dr. Pierce Paul  Decision Making with High Resolution Crop ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Update

    near Lake Erie have had particularly high trap counts.  Threshold populations on corn plants should be ...

  6. Increased access to local Ohio produce focus of study

    Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets: Distribution as the Missing ...

  7. 2015- Horse Trailer Available to 4-H Youth

    within 50 mile radius of Wooster.  Other mileages need approval a week before date wanted. Trailer cannot ...

  8. A Welfare Analysis of Conservation Easement Tax Credits

    a capturing of the tax benefits by the conservation agency (i.e., pass-through), and an inefficiently high ... number of easement outcomes when the land’s future development value is highly uncertain.    The event is ...

  9. Agricultural Security Area

    the local Natural Resource Conservation Service or Soil and Water Conservation District. A summary of ...

  10. Is All Space Created Equal? Uncovering the Relationship between Competing Land Uses in Subdivisions

    between Competing Land Uses in Subdivisions. ” ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 70, no. 2: 296-307. 2010.  ...
