
Search results

  1. Tips from OSU Extension for Giving Stink Bugs the Boot

    As the temperatures cool, you may find yourselves with some uninvited house guests.  Stink bugs!  Dr. Celeste Welty, OSU entomologist, has some tips for dealing with the pests. Did you know that your local OSU Extension office has answers and resources fo ...

  2. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Don't Waste That Food Waste, or When Good Things Happen to Bad Doodles (for the Week of Aug. 17, 2008)

    level. For details, to ask Twig a question, and/or to receive the column free by mail or e-mail, contact ...

  3. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Deer Me: Where to Sleep? (for the Week of Jan. 5, 2009)

    Walkingstick" is a weekly feature for children (ages 9+; 4th grade reading level) about science, nature, farming ...

  4. August 2017


  5. Chow Line: Go green(er) when choosing lettuce (for 2/11/07)

    include mustard greens, arugula, mizuna and turnip greens. Kale falls somewhere in-between. The MyPyramid ...

  6. Chow Line: Most seniors need healthier diets (for 3/7/10)

    already told you). Whether one is worse than the other really comes down to the individual level ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: Talk about stepfamily challenges early and often (for October 2006)

    middle between the two birth parents, and adding a new adult to the mix could cause added stress. ...

  8. Chow Line: Using slow cookers for roasts debatable (for 4/1/06)

    or whole chickens, could stay in the "danger zone" between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit ...

  9. U.S. Treasurer to Visit OSU Extension's Spanish Financial Literacy Class

    between 1990 and 2000, reaching 240,000. However, OSU Extension faculty and staff who work with this group ...

  10. Precision Agriculture, From Old to New, at Farm Science Review

    application. Growers can also see the next level of auto steer with technology that will automatically turn ...
