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The World Beneath Your Feet
An entire world exists in the soil of your garden. There are creatures you can see, such as ... in vast numbers; a pinch of soil can contain millions of organisms. We are dependent on this unseen ... studying them was very difficult. The bacteria in the soil primarily live around plant roots, consuming ...
Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price
of continuous glyphosate use. A relatively high price has been one of the obstacles to more ... 3 lb/gal formulations- nozzles that are not coarser in droplet size than the current “medium to coarse” ...
Field Day at OARCD Northwest Ag Research Station
No-Till on Soil Health and Properties – Steve Culman, School of Environment and Natural Resources ...
Corn Planting Nearing Completion – Time to Troubleshoot Emergence Problems
premature exposure to light in cloddy soil, planting too deep, compaction or soil crusting, extended ... symptoms of disease, especially in lower lying areas of fields where ponding and saturated soils were more ... difficult to diagnose disease damage on plants that also show abnormal growth caused by cold soil conditions ...
Mancl to work with China Environment Forum
that affect Ohio on the national and international level. Working with the Woodrow Wilson Center in ...
A. Belkofer Interviews
245 Subject: Ag Eng Room 245 on 2/16 Importance: High Hi Jim – Can I reserve Room 245 again ...
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus in Wheat
Some reports of what seems like fairly high incidence of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) are ... when the aphid population is high. Once infections occur, there is very little that can be done. No ... spikelets per head. It is difficult to estimate the level of damage caused by BYDV at this time. Since grain ...
ANR Retreat
made work in your county or at the state level. If you have a county Extension program you are doing as ...
Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures
to adequate levels. With regard to use of dicamba in burndown programs, there are distinctly ... adjusted to account for different product loading. This restriction ensures that enough soil moisture ... exists and time elapses to allow for dissipation of dicamba to levels too low to injure soybeans. There ...
Harnessing Consumers and Communities to Help Meet U.S. Food Waste Reduction Goals
calling for a 50 percent reduction in waste by the year 2030. With current estimates that 40 percent of ... programs to the next level.” The morning session will feature national and local experts who will share ...