
Search results

  1. Properly Winterizing Sprayers Can Help Mitigate Costly Problems Next Spring

    mixture containing these residual materials is applied on a crop that is highly sensitive to that ... the exterior parts of the equipment with water. A high pressure washer can be used, if available. Wash ... from snow, rain, or soil, rusts metal parts of unpro­tected equipment of any kind. While the sun ...

  2. Communiqué June 24, 2011

    of Extension (OSUE). His time will be split between HCRD and OSUE. Ken replaces Dr. L.H. Newcomb who ... me. (  CFAES Voluntary Separation Incentive- A Reminder-Dr. Bobby Moser, vice ... credit cards at the county level for meeting registrations – specifically related to PayPal. The ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-35

    broken.  However, aphid populations were high that fall when an apparent pathogen came in, causing severe ... between Ignite application and planting of wheat or other small grains.  This is not due to concerns about ... the soil residual activity of Ignite, since it has none, or the possibility of injury to wheat.  Bayer ...

  4. January 29th Workshop Promotes Benefits of Cover Crops for Farmers

    The workshop, which offers CCA credits, will focus on using cover crops to promote soil health for ... advanced, marathon session on cover crops, with the opportunity to work hands-on with soils and seeds and ...          ECO Farming: Ecological Farming Practices          Soil Ecology and Nutrient Recycling ...

  5. Specialties of Agricultural Engineers

    land profiling climatology and atmospheric science soil management and conservation, including erosion ... level to help the environment. Design of experiments related to crop and animal production History: The ...

  6. Corn Emergence Problems: “Corkscrewed” Mesocotyl Development

    (like soil crusting or a dense soil surface) as the mesocotyl elongates. Several factors (or combination ... light penetration, cold soils, or heavy rains soon after planting. When plants unfurl below the soil ... surface, they usually turn yellow and die. In a cloddy field where soil coverage of seed is poor and ...

  7. Composting Tour

    yard waste into a plant-friendly soil amendment. Farmers, livestock producers, members of the media are ...

  8. Ohio Manure Science Review

    demonstrations on surface runoff, soil health, side dressing manure, manure spreader calibration, and more. ...

  9. Grain Marketing: Turning On-farm Storage into Profit (Madison County)

    minimizing risk. OSU Extension is offering three meetings this December for farmers to learn about marketing ... futures and options can be used to protect farmers from risk. Registration for each meeting is free and ...

  10. Grain Marketing: Turning On-farm Storage into Profit (Paulding County)

    minimizing risk. OSU Extension is offering three meetings this December for farmers to learn about marketing ... futures and options can be used to protect farmers from risk. Registration for each meeting is free and ...
