
Search results

  1. Meet the Winners of the 2016 Ohio State Environmental Policy Initiative Grant Competition

    of Maryland where she studied wildlife management and soil science. Before pursuing a graduate degree ...

  2. Meet the Winners of the 2016 Ohio State Environmental Policy Initiative Grant Competition

    of Maryland where she studied wildlife management and soil science. Before pursuing a graduate degree ...

  3. Don’t get burned by hopper burn: Potato Leafhoppers reaching high levels in alfalfa and forage

    We have heard of and observed increasing potato leaf hopper (PLH) damage in many areas across OH last week. PLH feed similar to aphids, by piercing and sucking on plants causing stunting, thinning and yellowing of alfalfa, often called hopperburn. To scou ...

  4. Economist Offers Farm Bill Decision Resources for Making 2014 Crop Program Choices

    the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) program in the 2014 farm bill. The 2014 crop program decisions ...

  5. Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) Program Student Gathering

    EEDS is a joint major between the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) and the Department ...

  6. What's Limiting Soybean Yield?

    difference between what yield is possible on your farm each year and what yield you actually achieve is ...

  7. AEDE Profiles: Jack Willoughby

    having never previously played football. I had always played sports and I was on the soccer team in high ... graduate level would be fun and intellectually stimulating. I was also attracted to the fact that I could ...

  8. Climate Change, Agriculture, Forests, and Biofuels

    climate at a low level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This role includes converting substantial land ...

  9. Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) Program Student Gathering

    sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is a joint major between the School of ...

  10. Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) Program Student Gathering

    sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is a joint major between the School of ...
