
Search results

  1. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout (Scouting Video Included!)

    5–200, but averaging about 50 per cluster, and hatch within 5–7 days (Figure 2). Eggs first appear white, ...

  2. Print News Releases

    schools to learn high-tech food production (Jan 2010) Ohio The State of Perfect Balance (Jan 2010) Food ... Scientist Uses High Pressure to Keep Food Safe-- for a Long, Long Time (Jan 2010) 2009 Food Code Impacted by ... Professionals (May 2009) Chessemaking goes high-tech (pdf) (May 2009) Preserving Foods through High ...

  3. Wheel Traffic Effect on Alfalfa Yield – Soil Compaction or Crown/Shoot Damage?

    empty and at harvest load capacities. Soil compaction is a common concern for alfalfa producers and can ... from field to field and cutting to cutting depending on plant and soil conditions.  Yield loss to the ... possible (to reduce soil compaction). 3.       Drive over the field as soon after cutting as possible ...

  4. Czech Republic:Study Abroad Info Session

    Union and everything in between.  This program is based at a university near Prague and will give ...

  5. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    at the county and state levels in 2017.  New for 2017 Wayne County, 4-H has made some changes to our ...

  6. New Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa Field Guide Available; the price is $12.50.  Many use their droid or iPad in the field and there is a digital version ...

  7. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    However in very cold weather, post dipped wet teats run the risk of becoming frozen creating more ...

  8. Safe Driving Through Work Zones

    between you and the car in front of you. The amount of space required to provide two seconds of stopping ... time will increase the faster you’re driving!   8. Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and ...

  9. Setting Goals for 2019

    I had the opportunity between Christmas and New Years to spend some extended time with my college ...

  10. Meet Grant McHugh: Volunteering to Build a Better World

    When he was young, construction work was just a mere thought in his mind. It was not until high school ...
