
Search results

  1. Waldock Brothers Award Application Deadline

    dedication to high-quality education within the Department of Animal Sciences. The application materials and ...

  2. Kottman Lobby’s Aquarium Back in Action Thanks to TerrAqua

    of the Soil and Water Conservation Society at OSU. The group is a non-profit organization which ...

  3. Taylere Bernett's Honors Defense

    regression models were used to evaluate relationships between bird species and treatment type, site location, ...

  4. Australia Study Abroad – A Once in a Lifetime Experience

    between people and their natural environment through sustainable development.  SENR faculty, Dr. Eric ...

  5. Reaccreditation Process of Forestry Curriculums Underway

    effectively offer the two curriculums. We must detail the organization of and all levels of support for the ...

  6. Fellowship recipient conducting summer research in school’s aquaculture laboratory

    Undergraduate Research Fellowship is a 10-week paid intensive research experience, which seeks to provide highly ...

  7. What are the best ways to burn (or not) a forest?

    It's also "an effort to develop and enhance collaborative ties between managers and scientists, ...

  8. Interviewing

    difference between you and other candidates. Because the job interview is dynamic and individualized, it is ...

  9. Liz Berg's Graduate Exit Seminar

    Liz Berg will present  The Effect of Hydrological Restoration on Nutrient Concentrations, Macroinvertebrate Communities, and Amphibian Populations in Lake Erie Coastal Wetlands  Thursday, December 13th at 10:30AM in Heffner Building 128. Abstract: Histori ...

  10. CFAES scientist breeds 30 percent faster-growing perch

    for fish farmers, who traditionally raise perch for 18 months to have only about 50-60 percent of the ...
