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Chow Line: Watch sugar intake for calories, nutrients (for 10/19/03)
your daughter probably can afford to consume between 220 and 330 calories a day in simple sugars and ...
Chow Line: Use time off to fight 'Freshman 15' (for 12/4/05)
found that about 70 percent of students gained a significant amount of weight between the beginning of ...
Communiqué October 23, 2013
using input from more than 50 residents and 15 businesses that will guide the planning efforts of the ... provides insights into the differences between certainty and clarity. He addresses some of the challenges ... make the difference between the success and failure of a group. Did you know there is an art and ...
Faith-based Sustainability? Environmental Scientist, Evangelical Leader to Speak in Wooster and Columbus This Week
Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. “I have a lot of heroes, but Cal DeWitt is high on the list,” author ...
'Operation: Military Kids' Program Has New Leader in Northwest Ohio
167 acres of rolling hills, wetlands, a shooting sports range, high ropes and low ropes-- all sorts of ...
OARDC Names BioHio Research Park Leader
includes high-impact areas such as renewable energy and materials, food safety, genetic crop improvement ...
Family Fundamentals: It may be hard to tell if child is being bullied (April 2012)
years, peaking in middle school, then waning during high school. Some of the signs you can watch out for ...
How Do Muscle and Fat Develop? OARDC Scientist Honored for Findings in Animals, People
34 peer-reviewed papers in such high-impact journals as Lipids, Poultry Science and Endocrinology, ...
Conference to Help Small Farm Owners Market Products, Increase Profits
Development. The conference starts at 8:30 a.m. and runs until 4:15 p.m. Registration is $50 and is due by ...
Third Frontier Assists Appalachia Ohio Businesses Through TechGrowth Ohio
specifically targets businesses that make less than $5 million a year and employ fewer than 50 people. In ...