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  1. Ohio State livestock judgers turn setback into success at the NAILE

    judging.  Boyert was the ninth high individual in swine judging. Other team members that traveled to the ... of practice, but they demonstrated how students who set high goals can accomplish them.” Culp was ... They set the bar high for future Buckeye teams, and I’m only interested in continuing to improve our ...

  2. Cover Crop Strategies Field Day

    field day will allow us to see what’s happened *below* the soil surface. Some of the specific points to ...

  3. Waldock Brothers Award

    originates with the Waldock Brothers, Jack and Bill, and recognized their dedication to high ...

  4. ASABE Attends National FFA Convention

    high school FFA students to plan and prepare to be agricultural and biological engineers.   ...

  5. Professional Development Night

    a very exciting one, and we are looking forward to the partnerships between the students, faculty, and ...

  6. Livestock Judging: Turner 2

    American Royal and National Contest. Kim Balo, High Individual, National Contest and Mid South; Sixth, ... Keystone. Mark Hara, high Individual, Sheep, National contest; Third, Keystone; Second, NC/SE Judging; ... Second, NC/SE Evaluation and Mid South; Third, Keystone; Fifth, NC/SE Judging. Christy Hart, High ...

  7. Fall Weed Control Odds and Ends

    and dicamba. 3.  For growers with waterhemp, reminder to take advantage of a $50 service offered by ...

  8. Last season success for the Ohio State Livestock Judging Team

    year in a row, the OSU team brought home the banner as the high team in market animal evaluation and ... Fennig who was 10th. Justin Bachman was also sixth high individual in sheep.  The students also garnered ...

  9. Forage Production School 2014

    on what is new in forage production with live interaction between all program sites. Instructors will ...

  10. Forage Production School 2014

    on what is new in forage production with live interaction between all program sites. Instructors will ...
