
Search results

  1. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    teaching, the arboretum serves many highly-valued purposes, including the promotion of wellness, the ... seminar speaker travel and other seminar activities to host highly talented speakers in Applied Economics ... “It enables our students to get a high-quality education with hands-on experience to prepare them for ...

  2. 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards Honorees Announced

    After much deliberation, the CFAES Alumni Society Board has announced this year's Alumni Award Honorees.  ...

  3. Resolution for the New Year

    Kelsey Turner, a 2016 Agribusiness and Applied Economics alum, told us about one of her goals for 2018. This year rather than creating resolutions, I created five goals for myself. One of them is to read one book each month. I didn’t have a specific genre ...

  4. "Our Momentum Has Never Been Greater"

    President Michael V. Drake presented his State of the University address on January 25th. ...

  5. We Want to Hear from You!

    What's the best career advice you have ever been given? ...

  6. Call for Northeast Ohio Alumni to serve on the Alumni Society Board

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Society Board has an opening for a Northeast Ohio representative. ...

  7. Tips for a Healthy New Year

    We're only one month in to 2018, not too late to learn how to improve your well-being. ...

  8. Bugs to the Rescue!

    By building benign insects to improve a plant's environmental resistence, researchers are giving farmers a chance to save their crops from droughts or other threats. ...

  9. January 2018


  10. Mahoning 4-H Community Open House- Canfield, Ohio

    The 4-H open house is an evening full of information about 4-H and how to get involved.  4-H provides many opportunities for community service and leadership through livestock projects, cooking, sewing, robotics and many more. Participants will be able to ...
