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Prospects for “Muddied Corn”
or above the soil surface and less sensitive to flooding and associated anaerobic soil conditions. If ...
Ear development impacted by drought conditions
related to differences in soil moisture. In some areas within fields subject to protracted dry ... soil conditions and plant development within fields may have magnified this problem. Pollen feeding and ...
Emotional Cues and Eating
high-fat foods in response to emotional stress. Many of us are programmed to turn to food for comfort at ... stored as excess fat leading to increased weight gain and health risks. Even when you feel full, if you ...
2014 Pesticide Inservice
Department of Agriculture 2014 Update- Jared Shaffer- ODA ...
Do algae affect what fish see? Science angles for answers
captains will be tested in the lab to get science-based data on their effectiveness. Experts from CFAES and ...
Estimating Corn Yields at Early Stages of Kernel Development
high kernel weights), the method will underestimate grain yields. In the past, the YIELD COMPONENT ... sites across the field. Given the highly variable conditions present in many stressed fields, repeat the ...
Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet
that this number is the action threshold, it is not the economic injury level (EIL) at which soybean ... down or maintaining them at the 250 level. 2) At this point in the summer, you can expect aphids to ...
Study: Fat in avocado helps body absorb, convert vitamin A nutrients
the World Health Organization says. Vitamin A deficiency raises infection risks and is the leading ...
Wetness Could Delay Early Planting
aid in raising the soil temperatures for planting, but the moisture could lead to delays in getting ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-35
program is designed to recognize an individual who is highly motivated, delivers exceptional customer ... service for farmer clients in nutrient management, soil and water management, integrated pest management ...