
Search results

  1. Go Fish (And Earn Two OSU Semester Hours!): Lake Erie Sport Fishing Course at Stone Lab

    more. These lessons will be put to the test during the daily six-hour fishing excursions aboard a Stone ...

  2. Large-Scale Urban Farm Tour

    visit the farm stand to fill up on fresh, wholesome produce. With three high-tunnel structures at the ...

  3. Warm Nights May Impact Corn Yield

    night time temperatures. Past studies show that night time temperatures affect yield potential. High ... temperature increases, approximately doubling for each 13 degree F increase. With high night temperatures more ... developing kernels, thereby lowering potential grain yield. High night time temperatures result in faster ...

  4. Western Bean Cutworm: Adult Moth Catches Continue to Increase in Northeast Ohio

    different growth stages. Eggs are laid in unevenly distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per ...

  5. Darke County On Farm Research Review- Greenville, OH

    Controlled traffic yield results  Plans for 2016 Corn Soybean Soil and Water Management Manure ...

  6. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ... history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ...

  7. CD Wire- September 17, 2012

    Climate Change Data Relevant at a Local Level." The webinar is free and will be presented by the ... parcel-specific (soil quality, government payments, proximity to urban areas) factors that affect farmland ... Expectations – Behavior #9 of High-Trust Leaders New Templates for Brochures, Newsletters and Flyers-  Very ...

  8. Academic Dismissal

    Any student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. There is no ...

  9. Be on the Lookout for Soybean Aphids

    none of the fields in Ohio have reached treatable levels. Given the aphids’ arrival, the growth stage ...

  10. 4-H Camp Registration Now Open

    challenges, high ropes, a climbing wall, campfires, crafts, geo-cache treasure hunting, and so much more! ...
